Find out which Pixie Cup product is right for you! Take Quiz Find out which Pixie Cup product is right for you! Take Quiz

Cervix Height Quiz

Welcome to your Cervix height

What period products do you use?

Does your tampon stick out at all?

Do you experience discomfort when wearing tampons?

Which applies to you? When I use a menstrual cup…

Do you have any discomfort while using a cup?

Do you use pads or period undies because you’ve experienced discomfort with tampons or menstrual cups/discs?

Do you experience discomfort during sex?

Can you reach your cervix when you’re on your period?

Enter your name and email to get your results and discount!

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Menstrual Cup Quiz

Menstrual Cup Quiz

Our 8-question quiz will help you determine which cup best suits your body and your lifestyle!

Period Flow Quiz

Period Flow Quiz

Wanting more info about your period? Take this quiz to learn about your flow!

Pelvic Floor Quiz

Pelvic Floor Quiz

Your pelvic floor affects your everyday life. Take this quiz to find out if your pelvic floor is a little weak or maybe extra strong/tight.